3 Reasons Why GTech Products Are The Best For Disinfecting
The need to be safe against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in day-to-day life is more important to people now than ever before. Awareness of disinfecting and sanitizing practices at home, on the go, at work, at school is at all new levels. Just about every place that we go has some sort of regulation and standard for disinfecting and protecting that is clearly explained and expected to be adhered to. As a population we’ve become used to this and, really, we even expect it for our safety and for the safety of our loved ones.

GTech products like GTech Clean all natural disinfectant spray, and GTech Armour all natural hand sanitizer, were developed by parents who wanted the best disinfecting products for their children. There are a number of reasons that GTech products offer the best levels of disinfection and protection against pathogens like SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and three of those reasons really stand out.

GTech Clean is the best disinfectant spray for your home, workplace, or vehicle because it is safe. GTech Clean an EPA approved all natural disinfectant spray that is specially formulated to kill 99.9% of viruses and and bacteria on contact, including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). GTech Clean is hypo allergenic, it contains no alcohol, no bleach and no VOC’s so it’s safe to use on any hard or soft surface, and it won’t irritate skin. It’s also non-flammable and works as a deodorizer. Many cleaning products are alcohol or chemical based but GTech Clean is not, which really makes it the best disinfectant spray for frequent use.

GTech Armour hand sanitizer is made with the same all natural formula as GTech Clean, however it’s specially designed for use on skin. What’s more, it’s designed for frequent, everyday use on skin. GTech Armour contains special skin moisturizers that help heal cracked and dried skin. Alcohol based hand sanitizers actually cause this sort of damage to skin which, ultimately makes people more susceptible to pathogens. GTech Armour kills 99.99% of germs on contact and heals skin as it works.

There’s really no disinfectant spray more simple to use than GTech Clean, which makes it the best and most effective disinfectant spray. Simply spray GTech Clean on any hard or soft surface in your home, work place, or vehicle and let it dry. That’s it. Even better, and just as simple, is using GTech Clean with a disinfectant fogger or disinfectant sprayer like the The nuPower Compact Trigger Sprayer. When using GTech Clean and a disinfectant fogger or disinfectant sprayer you can disinfect a 1000sq foot room in minutes. Using GTech Clean and a disinfectant fogger or disinfectant sprayer to disinfect a vehicle takes even less time. Disinfectant foggers and disinfectant sprayers, especially the The nuPower Compact Trigger Sprayer are super easy to learn to use. That means your family or your staff at work can be taught the most effective disinfecting procedures and protocols very easily. You can check out our recommended protocols for using GTech Clean and a ULV fogger or sprayer here.
GTech Armour is just as simple. Spray it on your skin, let it dry and you’ve got protection from 99.99% of germs. GTech Armour can also be used as a surface disinfectant while you are on the go. If you’re uncertain about touching a railing, a door knob, an elevator button…or any high frequency community touchpoint that you might encounter, spray it with GTech Armour and you’ll kill any dangerous pathogens. If your phone, or purse, or any personal item has come into contact with a high frequency community touchpoint, you can disinfect that item on the spot with GTech Armour.

Safety and simplicity are two reasons why GTech Clean and GTech Armour give you the best disinfecting and protection against viruses and bacteria but what really stands out about all GTech products is effectiveness.
GTech Clean is specially formulated to leave a microscopic layer of protection on any surface that it is applied to. This layer of protection continues to kill viruses and bacteria for up to 7 days after it is applied. That means when you spray GTech Clean on any hard or soft surfaces it will immediately kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria and it will continue to kill viruses and bacteria long after it has dried. GTech Clean is the most effective disinfectant spray because it provides lasting protection. Not just protection on the spot. When using alcohol based products, the disinfecting power dissolves once the alcohol is dry, rendering the surface it is applied to susceptible to contamination. Surfaces treated with GTech Clean maintain pathogen killing power and protection for up to 7 days. That’s effectiveness and, really, peace of mind that you can’t get with other products.

GTech Armour is formulated in the same way. It kills 99.99% of germs on contact an it leaves a microscopic layer of protection on your skin that continues to kill germs for hours. Similar to alcohol based disinfectant sprays that lose their disinfecting power, so do alcohol based hand sanitizers. The hand sanitizer dries...and the protection is gone. Not GTech Armour, the microscopic layer of protection it leaves on skin provides lasting protection. GTech Armour combines that long lasting germ killing power with the ability to heal skin, so it’s clear to see that for every day frequent use, GTech Armour is the best hand sanitizer.

GTech Products are the best products to use to protect yourself and your family against dangerous pathogens like SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) because they are safe, simple, and effective.

GTech line of products puts the power of a professional cleaning service in your hands because all of our products and equipment are effective, safe to use, simple to use, long lasting, and cost efficient.